The peacock is perhaps the worlds 4th scariest bird, after the Ostrich (a bird built specifically to define the word 'heinous',) the Vulture (no explanation needed, am I wrong?,) and the Eagle (a regal image of the American people, and for me, a hideous mistake made by whomever chose him to be the American Mascot...'you couldn't have picked something cuter - and less demonic looking?'
I think that I'd like to purchase the following items for a "special event" (not to be named at this time,) and rock them as though I am a bird-activist, rather than someone who would never so much as hold a gun unless it was aimed at a bird...WHAT? I'm trying!!? Check these babies out...

Now, I'm always committed to giving credit where credit is due, and Etsy sellers are no different. But if I see anyone with my peacock garb on, I swear I'll come unglued...stay outta my closet girls - I found it first! The seller's shop is called 'La Plume Ethere'. It is a vintage inspired feather accessories shop. I love literally everything on it - and unlike my ever fearful mother, feathers have never bothered me - for whatever reason, I've always thought they were beautiful. These items are no exception. Step #1 for getting over my fear of birds...wear the birds.
I have fallen in love with feathers...
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