Thursday, June 23, 2011

Only the BEST for My Face ;)

I wore MAC Cosmetics my entire life...well, ever since I started wearing make-up around the age of 15. got tight for a year or so, and I had to make do with Target's various lines to cut back a bit. Let me tell you...there's no comparison. Now that I am back on the success track - making good money and working hard for it. I feel like not only should I be entitled to buy higher end department store cosmetics once more, but I feel like I should treat myself to the BEST of the BEST. And if you aren't a cosmetics fanatic like me, you may not know who that is - if you are however - you know it's none other than Bobbi Brown.

There are 2 summer items that I am salivating over - mostly accent items as I am loaded down on her concealer, foundation, bronzer, blush, know - the basics. I am always looking for cool eye-shadow palettes - Check out these new sets!

Shadow Options Eye Palette, $60.00
What a great palette! Unbelievable spread...I'd definitely use the matte colors for day and the sparkly ones for going out at night, ( PS...don't wear too much sparkle during the day - it's not lady like...) This is one of those great sets that you can use literally every day. When buying sets like this, its smart to keep that in mind. How convenient to have a set for every day use in your make-up bag that you can feel confident in and not have to play with several different pots. LOVE this set.

Peony & Python Palette, $50.00
So, Consultant at the Castleton store talked me out of this palette recently when it first released in March. She talked me into one that was much safer, great for everyday use. But here's the thing...I feel like brunettes, (especially with dark eyes) look FABULOUS in purple shades of eyeshadow. I should have bought it when it first came out - now it's all the rage - featured in 'Teen Vogue' and 'Vanity Fair' as well as some other notable periodicals. Definitely going back to get it before they quit selling it...its a must have!

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