Doc and I had a great evening last night. We got home, took showers and got dolled up and took Jackson and Jamyn to dinner at Augustino's on the south-side of Indianapolis. If you haven't been there, definitely give it a shot. They seriously have some of the best Italian food in Indianapolis - especially as far as local diners go. We ate so much of the appetizer, salads and bread that we could hardly eat any of the entree. Jackson ate an entire cup of Italian wedding soup which I believe may be one of his new favorites. I'll have to find a store-bought brand that he can eat at home. After dinner we put Jackson to bed and curled up in our bed to watch a movie together. We picked one out at the Redbox on our way home and seriously...couldn't have made a better choice.
The movie is called '127 Hours' and the main character Aron Ralston is played by one of my all-time favorite actors, probably only second to Johnny Depp, James Franco...which I view as a younger, less delirious version of Johnny Depp. He'll follow in his footsteps of success, believe me.
This is perhaps one of his best roles yet. Aron Ralston is a mountian climber originally from Indianapolis, IN who has grown up in Colorado and decides to set out on a solo expedition to have a chance to be alone with his thoughts and perhaps some of the most breathtaking views of nature. As the movie begins and you are shown just how gorgeous the landscape is in Moab, Utah, I for one became overwhelmed with a desire to see such an incredible place. I kept looking up at Doc and asking "Babe, don't you want to go there?"
The basic story line is that Aron is enjoying exploring the desert in this extremely remote area of Utah and becomes stuck under an 800 lb fallen boulder. The boulder falls and lands on his arm and wedges him in between the huge rock and an isolated canyon - not able to be seen or heard by any rescue crews or passers by. It is an intense 127 hours that Ralston spends in this rocky grave. (Spoiler Alert) He starts to literally loose his mind from lack of food and water, exhaustion, and utter fear of death. Ralston eventually, knowing he will die if he does not, does the most insane, incredible thing I've ever seen. He actually saws his own arm off with a dull pocket knife...believe me when I say, it is NOT a clean cut. Doc and I both had our eyes covered during this part. He actually cuts himself free of the rock, leaves his canyon grave and scales a 65 foot wall and hikes (rather staggers) eight miles before he can be rescued. This is a TRUE STORY. If you don't believe me, look it up -
This is the most incredible story of raw human adrenaline and will to live that I've ever heard of. What an incredible man Aron Ralston must be. Doc and I talked about whether or not we'd be able to do what Ralston did if we were in the same situation. Doc said he believes he truthfully could, and I believe him, he is a very strong person. I believe that I am a strong woman as well, but I honestly don't think I could do it. I just can't imagine what that would be like. How about you? What would you be able to do to save your own life?

By the way, Aron also has written a book which I'm now dying to read. It is called 'Between a Rock and Hard Place'. Clever huh? ;)
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