There is something about brothers that I so admire. I don't think that sisters have the same bond. My sister Brianna and I are close...or at least I'd like to think we are. But honestly, we're no where near what I'd like us to be. As much as I love my sister, and as much as I cherish our relationship, I would be just short of devastated if my boys had a similar relationship as adults. Since Brianna has moved to Michigan for college, we sometimes go a month without speaking. To me, for my sons, that is simply unacceptable. I want them to be so much closer than that. I want them to talk, text, or email daily - regardless of their distance and difference in lifestyles. I can only hope that the closeness in age will assist greatly in them being as close as possible.
I also hope that they have great relationships with Doc Thomas and Maxwell, whom are also half-brothers of Jamyn's and will inevitably, sooner-than-later, become Jackson's step-brothers...(spoiler-alert!) Jackson absolutely adores Doc Thomas, especially as of late. Every thing Docie does, Jackson mimics, to a tee. I would find it to be obnoxious, as I did when my sister did the same to me growing up. But I think Doc Thomas is actually flattered. Last night, after dinner we took the boys to Best Buy. I treated Jackson to a new Elmo movie, for being such a trooper during Aunt Morgan's ordeal, and more importantly, I treated Doc Thomas to a new video game for his excellent year end report card - all A's and a B in writing. As we were walking in to the store and Jackson was nearly walking on Docie's heels, I told Doc, "You know how you want to be an 'army guy' when you grow up?" He looked up at me and replied, "ya...?"
"Well, guess what I think Jackson wants to be when he grows up?" I said. "I donno" says Doc. "I think Jackson wants to be YOU," I said, laughing. Docie looked up at me, smiled and said "Then I guess he'll be an army guy with me then!" What a sweet little boy...
I love our boys - the 2 I birthed, and the 2 I did not. It is so important to me that they not only feel the same for me, but also for each other.
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