Tuesday, June 14, 2011


One of the greatest secrets I never had known and hadn't learned until the birth of my second son Jamyn is the bond of brotherhood. Jackson isn't old enough to even say his brothers name, and Jamyn may or may not even have a clue who Jackson truly is to him, but I swear to you - they are thick as thieves. Jackson is somewhat of a grumpy little guy...he is constantly compared in personality to his Uncle Nick, his dad's brother who you never quite know what to expect of. Sometimes, Nick is the most loving person and would truly do anything for the people he loves, he is fun-loving and everyone loves to be around him. But sometimes, actually quite frequently, Nick has been known to wake up on the wrong side of the bed and just be a total crab all day long because of it. Jackson is the same way. He just kind of has an attitude to be honest, I'll admit - just like his Momma. But when it comes to his baby brother - his whole face lights up the second he sees him. Jamyn is Jackson's whole world. He can be crabby and bratty and just having an all around bad day, but when he walks into the room and discovers "his baby" is there. Jamyn is a little young still, (I think,) to really be phased by Jackson, other than just watching him run around like a mad-man. Jamyn is completely enthralled with Jackson. He cracks up laughing for absolutely no reason when Jackson is talking to him. I just love watching my boys together. They have such a tight bond already and I can't wait to see it grow over the years. Screw being "half-brothers"...I mean does that even mean anything? Does it make them less bonded because they have different fathers? I certainly don't think so. I hope not, with everything in me.

There is something about brothers that I so admire. I don't think that sisters have the same bond. My sister Brianna and I are close...or at least I'd like to think we are. But honestly, we're no where near what I'd like us to be. As much as I love my sister, and as much as I cherish our relationship, I would be just short of devastated if my boys had a similar relationship as adults. Since Brianna has moved to Michigan for college, we sometimes go a month without speaking. To me, for my sons, that is simply unacceptable. I want them to be so much closer than that. I want them to talk, text, or email daily - regardless of their distance and difference in lifestyles. I can only hope that the closeness in age will assist greatly in them being as close as possible.

I also hope that they have great relationships with Doc Thomas and Maxwell, whom are also half-brothers of Jamyn's and will inevitably, sooner-than-later, become Jackson's step-brothers...(spoiler-alert!) Jackson absolutely adores Doc Thomas, especially as of late. Every thing Docie does, Jackson mimics, to a tee. I would find it to be obnoxious, as I did when my sister did the same to me growing up. But I think Doc Thomas is actually flattered. Last night, after dinner we took the boys to Best Buy. I treated Jackson to a new Elmo movie, for being such a trooper during Aunt Morgan's ordeal, and more importantly, I treated Doc Thomas to a new video game for his excellent year end report card - all A's and a B in writing. As we were walking in to the store and Jackson was nearly walking on Docie's heels, I told Doc, "You know how you want to be an 'army guy' when you grow up?" He looked up at me and replied, "ya...?"
"Well, guess what I think Jackson wants to be when he grows up?" I said. "I donno" says Doc. "I think Jackson wants to be YOU," I said, laughing. Docie looked up at me, smiled and said "Then I guess he'll be an army guy with me then!" What a sweet little boy...

I love our boys - the 2 I birthed, and the 2 I did not. It is so important to me that they not only feel the same for me, but also for each other.

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