I'm nearing the date that marks two-years ago that my life was changed irrevocably. I was just exiting a marriage in which I was not happy. At the time, I blamed my husband for my unhappiness. He wasn't giving me what I wanted, and I felt he was to blame. It took a lot of soul searching to discover that this was not the case, and that in actuality, I was unhappy because I was in a marriage with someone whom which I was not meant to be with, nor was he meant to be with me, thus causing him a great deal of unhappiness as well. There are not hard-feelings because we've reached an understanding. We both understand that we were married for all of the wrong reasons - literally, and that in reality, we had no business being married in the first place - maybe no business even dating. All in all, we share a beautiful son, Jackson Garrett thanks to this collosal mistake - which makes it not a mistake at all. No regrets.

I don't know that any one person in my life truly understands the way Doc has gripped my life. Even those who support my being with him whole-heartedly, do not, and can not understand how I feel.
Maybe you feel this way about someone, or have felt this way in the past. There is hope, I promise you, if you are someone who honestly says, no - I've never felt passionately enough about someone that it would stop your world from turning to be without them. I know that it exsists, and I can attest to it first hand. Unfortunately, I am not someone who believes that everyone has someone out there for them. I think there are only a few of us in the world who are blessed with a love like this. Why do I think that? Because I think the world would be different if everyone was given this opportunity. Maybe everyone has someone, but not everyone ever comes in to contact with that person. I know I have been blessed, and that Doc has been blessed and that we should never squander what we've been given.
Doc is not the kind of guy who you'd see on the cover of a J.Crew ad, holding a chocolate lab puppy and sporting plaid golf shorts and Sperry's. He's also not the type who would provoke a Taylor Swift ballad. Trust me. I know the man,

I look forward to my future with Doc, everyday, even on the hard days. Just when I think we can't make it another step, I snap back into reality and remember that he is quite simply put...the ONLY one for me. I don't mean to be a sap, and I usually am not, believe me. But I wanted to brag a little on my amazing man, and what we have in each other.
I ♥you Doc Christopher Keys
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